Thank you notes from Ms. A’s Class

We just received our Thank You notes from Ms. A’s class for sponsorship of a project through Donor’s Choose.

Project: Help Us Minimize Student Distractions During Important Tests

Project Description by Ms. A:

“I am a fourth year teacher working at an inner city school with very few resources. The school is a great community filled with teachers who extend themselves everyday to give much needed help to their students. I consider myself to be one of these teachers. I come to school early and stay late to work with my students and work on my classroom so that the hours spent in the classroom is enjoyable as well as educational. The students at my school come from very poor families. 10% of the students are homeless and all of the students in my class receive free breakfast and lunch. For many of these students the meals that they receive at school are the only meals they receive all day. I play the role of teacher and parent to many of my students and do everything within my means to help them.

I currently teach reading to students in 6th-8th grade. We are constantly taking various forms of assessments in order to guide my instruction and what students are mastering. It is crucial for me as a teacher to know what a student has mastered and what they need more practice on. However, my classroom is very small and students are packed in tightly. This leads to a common problem in a small classroom setting – wandering eyes. With only 50 minute periods it takes too long to put desks in rows and even when putting desks in rows it is still too easy to accidentally spot another student’s paper. I really want to be able to get an accurate picture of what a student knows through the assessments they are given. Dividing partitions are a great solution to this problem. They can quickly and easily be placed on each student’s desk and can prevent wandering eyes. This will really help ensure that I know what each individual student has mastered and can significantly impact the effectiveness of my teaching and what students are learning.

I know that getting these dividing partitions will motivate my students to stay on task during tests and help ensure that I am getting an accurate picture of their mastery on various topics.

Please help my students become better readers and students!

My students need 40 privacy partitions to help during test taking. “

Letter from Ms. A after the project was funded:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

Thank you so much for your generous donation to our classroom. We have a lot of students crammed into a small space and it is so easy to get distracted. I am looking forward to using these dividers in my classroom during times when students need to focus on their own work and during valuable testing time.

I know that these dividers will help ensure productive learning and proper assessment that can drive instruction in my class. This will make the learning in my class more productive and could not be accomplished without your generous donations!

With gratitude,
Ms. A.

Letter from Ms. A. after the project was completed:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

Thank you very much for your generous donations! I used the privacy partitions yesterday when were taking a reading test and it was great! The students LOVED them! They asked that we use them all the time because it helps them stay focused during class. I was shocked to see how much they enjoyed using the dividers! They are really going to help us stay focused and increase learning. Without your generous donations this learning opportunity would have never been possible. Thank you again for your donation!!

With gratitude,
Ms. A.

Letters from Students:

Previously received Thank You packages.