Thank you notes from Ms. S’ Class

Thank you from MsS Class to VH International Business Solutions

We just received our Thank You notes from Ms. S’ class for sponsorship of a project through Donor’s Choose.

Project: Frozen Moments: Captured Learning

Project Description by Ms. S.:

My students can best be described enthusiastic, curious, and tenacious. Most of my students have many challenges in their lives but school is a safe haven where they can come and be a bit carefree. Many are many grade level behind or have parents who can’t or don’t spend much time with them.

We work hard in the science lab. We are a hand-on working lab. We learn by investigating and recording our findings. We don’t have alot of official “work” to hang on the walls or send home for the kids to share. Most of our work is in our notebooks and minds.

A camera would allow the students to record our work and their discoveries. A close up of an organism we are studying, the results of chemical mixture, setting up a course to test how friction effects speed, a plant they want to identify, and more. They can use the pictures to support their claims and to take home to share with their parents. We can even post our science learning for other classes and teachers to see. These moments of learning are crucial to students being about to share their ideas, predictions, processes, and evidence. With a digital camera, memory, paper, and and printer we can take our learning to a new level.

This gift will go towards helping 7 classes of future scientists. You will be facilitating communication between school and home and give us the hard proof of how much work and learning is going on.

Letter from Ms. S after the project was funded:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,
Thank you so much for you donation. I am very excited to get this for my kids and the classroom. It is going to be such a wonderful tool to capture kids learning moments. We are always doing hands-on science and writing in our science notebooks, but sometimes it is difficult to show how much work is happening in our classes. With this camera we will be able to photograph our work and display it and share it with our parents and school community.

With gratitude,
Ms. S.

Letter from Ms. S after the project was completed:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,
Thank you for this wonderful gift to my classroom. Thanks to you I am able to offer a photography club at our school’s enrichment time. They were so excited and we are toying with the idea of creating a yearbook.

As you will see in the pictures they are having a great time taking pictures of themselves and I have also included some of the pictures we have taken in Photography club and other pictures of students in science class. They have really enjoyed taking turns capturing their fellow students in action. We are using these photos once we have printed them to create of bulletin board of our learning.

Your gift has and will touch the lives of many students for years to come.
Thank you!

With gratitude,
Ms. S.

Previously received Thank You packages.

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