Case Study: Sela the Graphic Artist and a New York Virtual Office

Photo by liquene

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Case Study: Sela
Type of Business: Graphic Designer
Location: Long Island City, New York
Services: NY Company Formation, NYC Virtual Office, Mail Handling, and New York Registered Agent

A native of Jackson, Mississippi, Sela, an only child from a single parent home, moved to Long Island City while attending a famous NYC design school. It broke her heart to leave her mother alone, but they both knew it was for the best.

After obtaining her degree, Sela was immediately hired as a graphic artist at a local Silicon Alley company. After a few years, she was heading up the same department with a promising future with the company. However, her Silicon Alley employer was not doing well in the current economic climate and the company was heading towards closing their New York location. They offered certain employees the opportunity to relocate to their headquarters in San Francisco – Sela was on board.

Unfortunately, right before her big move to San Francisco, tragedy struck. Her Mother, out for a leisurely evening walk, was struck by a car; Sela left New York immediately. Her mother had a compound fracture in her right leg and it was going to take a long time to heal. Sela, a self-professed “Momma’s Girl”, knew that she was going to be in Jackson for quite some time. Sela’s employer gave her her remaining vacation and banked days. In the meantime, she started to wrap-up her New York life from a distance.

Her employer did not want to loose her – Sela was way too talented. They worked out a deal where they would hire Sela as a freelance graphic designer, Sela agreed. She would be able to work from a distance without a problem. She always wanted to start her own firm, needed to take care of her mother, and saw this as her golden opportunity to be her own boss!

Sela searched online for a way to make her situation work. She realized that forming her company and renting a business address with mail forwarding would work perfectly for her. During her searches she found VH International Business Solutions’ office perfectly situated just a few blocks from her former Silicon Alley office – She loved the neighborhood!

Sela hired VH International Business Solutions to establish her New York business presence. She formed her LLC in New York, opened her virtual office, and selected VH International Business Solutions as her Registered Agent.

During the transition period from New York to Mississippi, Sela flew back and forth several times to vacate her apartment and put her furniture and belongings up for sale on Craigslist – with the help of friends. Sela had her mail from her Long Island City home forwarded to VH International Business Solutions office in Manhattan. We would then forward her personal mail, along with any business mail to her mother’s home in Jackson.

Within a month from her mother’s accident, Sela was back in Mississippi, full-time, tending to her mother’s every need. While her Silicon Alley former employer continued referring her with new freelance jobs, Sela worked on growing her own client base to supplement her income. She found it simple and convenient to work from Mississippi with a New York business presence.

Thankfully Sela’s mother’s recovery time was better than expected. Even though her business was growing every day, Sela wasn’t about to leave home anytime soon. She was going to stay home, close to her “Momma” and let VH International Business Solutions run her New York business presence for her.

We are proud to still call Sela one of our valued clients – and congratulate her success.

Previous Case Studies:
Case Study: Ken the CPA and a NYC Virtual Office
Case Study: Siobhanne, Her Talent Agency and a NYC Virtual Office
Case Study: James, His Law Firm and a NYC Virtual Office
Case Study: Donald, His Publishing Company and a NY Virtual Office
Case Study: Kris, Erica and a NY Virtual Office
Case Study: Leonard, Kiara, Their Medical Placement Agency and a NYC Virtual Office

How can VH International Business Solutions help you?

Website: Manhattan Virtual Office
Tel: 1.212.627.8900
Fax: 1.646.861.6610

Since 1990.

VH International Business Solutions, Inc.
Follow us on Twitter: @ManhattanOffice


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