Thank you notes from Ms. R’s Class

We just received our Thank You notes from Ms. R’s class for sponsorship of a project through Donor’s Choose.

Project: Our Books Desire a Home!

Project Description by Ms. R:

“I teach English to 8th grade students in an extremely urban area. We strive to culturally diverse and draw students who desire to become scholars, activists, and creators. As a charter school, we are limited in our funding and, unfortunately, have few classroom supplies and materials.

This past year, my students and I have been working to create a classroom library with books that attract adolescents. We have searched through second-hand bookstores and $1 library sales to find as many age-appropriate novels as possible. Unfortunately, we currently do not have a place in our classroom to house the fruits of our labor.

My students and I are asking for bookshelf so that our books will have a designated and accessible area in our classroom.

Your donation will help ensure my students that their hard work this year had a reason. Although many will be graduating in a few weeks, they understand the importance of leaving a legacy for the upcoming eighth graders. This could be their legacy!

Letter from Ms. R after the project was funded:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

What a wonderful surprise to know that there are people in this world dedicated to helping improve the education of students they do not personally know. Your donation has made it possible for my students to have an actual, working library in our classroom. I am so excited to know that the novels will finally be able to be classified by genre and be on display for all students to access.

Thank you for you support. I hope you continue to visit this website and see the many worthwhile projects posted by teachers.

With gratitude,
Ms. R.

Letter from Mrs. Z after the project was completed:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

Words cannot express how amazed we are that total strangers are invested in our education. As a California charter school, we are currently facing extreme budget cuts. Donations, now more than ever, help supplement and enrich the learning of all my students. Through, we have received numerous supplies including novels, personal whiteboards, hardcover blank books for student-created storybooks, a LCD projector, and art supplies. This September, I was pleased to find out that my “Give-back Birthday” site received the third highest amount in donations. I am still overwhelmed by how giving generous donors, such as yourself, can be.

More specifically, thank you for the bookshelf to house our novels. My students love being able to quickly find novels they are interested in because the books are finally organized by genre. Moreover, I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of students staying after school and simply “hanging out” in my bean bag corner. In reality, they are actually choosing from a variety of our novels and reading! On a more personal level, I have also seen many of my past students coming back to my classroom this year to talk about their experiences in high school. This past week, a past student came in and requested a recommendation for a novel to read. After handing him my most recent Dan Brown, he flopped down on a bean bag and read for over an hour. This coming from a student who hated reading while in my classroom!

Again, thank you for your donation. I hope you continue to visit this superb website and consider donating to the many worthwhile projects posted.

With gratitude,
Ms. R.

Letters from Students:

Previously received Thank You packages.