Thank you notes from Ms. G’s Class

We just received our Thank You notes from Ms. G’s class for sponsorship of a project through Donor’s Choose.

Project: Help my Students Learn ‘Bone’ A Fide Biology!

Project Description by Ms. G:

There’s no bones about it! My 9th grade Biology students love learning about their own bodies. I teach a special education class in a high-need, low-income community in New York.
In October we are starting a unit on human body systems, beginning with the musculoskeletal system. Students love seeing how common daily tasks, such as brushing their teeth or kicking a ball, require the coordination of many muscles and bones. My students learn especially well when they have a visual aid to accompany a concept or topic.

Last year we used a classroom skeleton inherited from an older school, but it has no skull, no arms, no forelegs, and many broken ribs. It is a sad example of the human skeletal system.

We need a classroom skeleton that will show students a complete model of the bones in their body. Special education students are especially impacted when they learn visually, aurally, and kinesthetically. Your donation will make it possible for my students to see their bodies in action through a classroom skeleton. Please help!

Letter from Ms. G after the project was funded:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

Thank you so much for your generous donations towards my project! I am indebted to you for helping my students understand the musculoskeletal system and for encouraging them to gain an appreciation for the human body. I cannot wait for the skeleton to arrive in my classroom–I am sure that my students will be pumped to see it in action!

Your donations will truly ensure that all students learn using all learning styles and modalities. The skeletal model will be a great teaching tool for years to come. Thank you so, so much.

With gratitude,
Ms. G.

Letter from Ms. G after the project was completed:

Dear VH International Business Solutions, Inc,

Thank you so much again for your generous donation. Because of your thoughtfulness, we were finally able to replace the old, broken skeleton in my classroom. Since receiving the skeleton, we have used it as a model during our unit on the musculoskeletal system. It is such a great tool for students to see different types of joints, different types of bones, and how it all fits together.

The budget in our school district is facing great cuts this year, and it’s become harder and harder to bring new tools into your classroom. Your generosity helped making learning come alive to all of my students. You truly made a difference.

With gratitude,
Ms. G.

Letters from Students:

Previously received Thank You packages.